A Levels 2023: Results day for Chatham & Clarendon Grammar

Top results for Freddie, Jaan, Lola, Zachary and George

Students at Chatham & Clarendon Grammar School are celebrating a pleasing set of A Level results with an overall pass rate of some 97% with 23% of grades at A* and A and 51% at A*- B.

Headteacher Debra Liddicoat said: “Students should be extremely proud of their achievements, bearing in mind the disruption of the past few years and also the fact that these are the first public exams this cohort have sat!


“These results are testament not only to their hard work, but to their resilience in overcoming the disruptions to their education since 2020.

“I would also like to pay tribute to staff who have supported and encouraged students over the past two years and given up their time outside of lessons to ensure that any lost learning was made up to aid students to fulfil their potential.

“Whilst the majority of students intend to go on to further education, I wish all our students every success in the future, whether that be at university, embarking on apprenticeships or going into the world of work.”


Special mention for outstanding results:

Joanna Attwell 1A*, 1A, 1D (grade A equiv) and has a place at Lancaster University to study Sociology.

Rose Carrington 3A’s and has a place at Arts University Bournemouth to study Film Production

Maisie Chambers 1B, & 3A’s and has an offer from Cambridge University to study Psychological and Behavioural Science

June Chandler 4A * and has a place at Warwick University to study Discrete Maths.

George Cleverdon 1A*, 2A’s and 1C and has a place at Southampton University to study Mechanical Engineering

Emad Fahim  3A’s and 1A*  and is intending to take a gap year prior to studying medicine.

Tobi Falaiye 3A’s and will be studying Biochemistry and Imperial College London.

Thomas Hall 3A’s and 1 A* and is going to Birmingham Conservatoire

Katie Joynson 2A* and 1B and is hoping to study Film Studies at Kings College London

Freddie Kilner-Jones 2A’s, 1A* and 1B and is hoping to study Maths at Cambridge University

Arthur Mirams 2A’s and 1A* and has a place at Sussex University to study Business & Management

Madeleine Piper 2A* and 1B and has a place at Queen Mary University, London to study Politics and International Relations.

Mathura Rasiah 3A’s and has a place at Imperial College London to study Biochemistry.

Jaan Richards 2A’s, 1A* and 1B and has a place at Southampton University to study Mechatronic Engineering.

Maciej Roszkowski 3A’s and 1B and has a place at Southampton University to study Computer Science.

Rose and Ines

Ines Segui 2A* and 1A and has a place at Kings College London, to study Psychology

Lea Smith 2A*, 1A and 1B and has a place at University College, London to study Italian & Spanish.

Josh Walker 1A*, 1A and 2D* (2A* equiv) and has a place at Leeds University  to study Business Economics.

Lola Walton  2A*, 1A and 1B  and has a place at  University College London to study Physics

Ella Whittaker   2D* (2A* equiv) 1A and 1B and has a place at Cardiff University to study Psychology

Anna Worledge  3A’s and has a place at Durham University to study Health & Human Science