Meeting held to discuss future of Christ Church in Ramsgate

Christ Church in Vale Square (google maps)

Possible closure of Christ Church in Ramsgate’s Vale Square was discussed at a public meeting last night (July 31).

The church has suffered from a decreasing congregation and the Diocese of Canterbury  is now considering whether it should be closed.

The evangelical Anglican church opened in circa 1847. Funding for the church was raised through the efforts of Naval Lieutenant Hutchinson and George Gilbert Scott was commissioned as the architect. The pulpit and reredos date from 1869 and the lectern from 1885. The clock was added in the 1870s.

In 1976 financial issues resulted in the sale of the Church Hall, In 1986 the nave was reduced in size with the smaller north aisle converted into a meeting room, kitchen and toilets.

The building was Grade II listed in 1988.

The Archdeacon of Canterbury, the Venerable Dr Will Adam, who chaired the public meeting in the presence of the Bishop of Dover said today:“The parochial church council of Christ Church Ramsgate has asked the Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee to consider whether the Bishop of Dover should request the Church Commissioners to consult formally on whether Christ Church Ramsgate should be closed for public worship. No decisions have yet been made.

“Alongside consultation about the possible closure of Christ Church as a parish church is the question of the use of the building. If it is no longer required for public worship then the Church Commissioners will consult on seeking alternative use.

“Yesterday’s meeting was positive and fruitful with a number of possibilities being put forward for how the building might be used in the future, including its continuation as a place of worship.

“Discussions are continuing and everybody involved is seeking the best solution for the mission and ministry of the church in the community in this part of Ramsgate.”

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