SPACER art installation on beach depicts predicted sea level rises

QR codes on stones link to interviews with the people of Thanet

If you visit Ramsgate beach on August 1 from low tide, you will see an unusually large windbreak rising above the others.

Look more closely and you will see it displays the life-sized predictions of sea-level rise for the area over the next 100 years. Walking along its length you see the years pass by and the rising sea which eventually covers the beach completely, predicted for sometime after 2070.

In the worst-case scenario (not shown within the work) the sea is predicted to rise by a staggering 5 metres by 2150.

The art work is by the Ramsgate based collective, SPACER, which has been working with Thanet residents to find out what people love about the area and to look at the changes linked to climate change, now and in the future.

“Almost everyone we spoke to love the beach and coastline,” said Sarah Craske, one of the artists involved in the project. ‘There were concerns about sewage and coastal erosion, but no-one, even on the project, expected the beach to disappear.”

Some of the interviews that informed the work have been archived online for others to listen to and can be heard at:  One hundred voices from Thanet have been given unique QR codes engraved on 200 flints. The artists have returned them to the beach ready for others to find.

“Often, we hear from politicians, experts, or people with extreme views in the news. Instead, we are sharing the unheard voices,” said Aphra Shemza, one of the artists on the project. “People shared their hopes and fears with us. It is very moving.”

Artists involved in the project are:

Karina Craske

Sarah Craske

James Davies

Stephen Melton

Aphra Shemza

Main installations are:

Ramsgate Main Sands: 1st August from 6.30am until high tide

Margate Main sands: 4th August from 9am until high tide

Source NASA Sea Level Projection Tool at


  1. Seem you can call anything art and the government just throws grants at it – shame this can’t happen for everyone else’s hobbies !!

  2. Many people of Thanet know all this as the life long member and volunteer of the much respected marine conservation society the patron is the king have been doing this for many years along along the coastlines of the UK including Thanet beaches by observations etc Margate main sands the obvious signs of rising sea levels as the main sands are curved is the strandline across the bay this would be the central curve facing marine terrace is getting closer the obvious sea defences along marine drive for those who are interested the strandline is where you see where seaweed settles when the tide comes in then back out to low tide other beaches are straight in some places the society has been monitoring sea levels for many years and will continue so will the volunteers of the Thanet coast project who monitor our coastline for years this is nothing new.

  3. I’m afraid people are very confused on this subject. They are confused between exceptionally high tides caused by lunar gravity and weather events, coastal erosion and “rising see levels.
    Archimedes proved nearly two and a half millennia ago that if all the World’s marine and freshwater ice melts the level of the Ocean – there is only one – will not rise by even a millimetre.
    Marine & terran ice thaw/melt increases proportionately with temperature increase. Unfortunately for the proponents of Operation Fear, as temperature increase so does sublimation and evaporation increase proportionately. Whilst the volume of solid water decreases. So the volume of atmospheric water increases proportionately also. Whilst the volume of liquid water remains constant. It is a steady state system that pre- exists Humanity. The liquid water will not expand due to heating. We are not starting from 0°C. We already exist within a dynamic system in which molecules are already sufficiently agitated and large to achieve gaseous status.
    The increase in atmospheric water then creates greater albedo. Reflecting/absorbing solar energy and decreasing terran surface temperature.

    Similarly. As we all learned in school Science lessons. Carbon dioxide is plant food.

    There is nothing to fear but fear itself.
    You’re welcome.😁

  4. who pays for this crap ? is there no end to this art obsession . i will be glad when they move on to a new crusade , this rubbish cannot go on forever , and by the way what about the ” arts ” barge thats gone very quiet

  5. I find it amazing that the tide at Pegwell bay does not appear to have risen at all in the last 70 years. The bait diggers still dig lug worms at low tide without any problems , just as they did 70 years ago . There is a new danger and that is the Fear Culture; as it suits many people who are without a brain or a life to instantly have a grand vision of saving the planet. The biggest danger are those very same people who try to impose their views , concerns, on ordinary decent people who are not afraid to do an honest days work .

    • Indeed.
      I have lived next to The Ocean for 62 years. My father was a Master Mariner. As was his father before him.
      Sea level is not rising.

  6. Thanks Harry, also the Ramsgate beach had thousands of tons of sand plundered by TDC when the extension to the harbour on the west cliff was reclaimed some 30 odd years ago to accommodate freight ships and ferries; latterly Brett’s and travellers . In spite of this the sea has not breached the Esplanade road. The dash to save the planet from the seas rising seem to be a little premature ; and the likes of Hancock seem to be happy to scare the pants off the gullible & Rule takers 🤔🤔🤔

  7. Thanks Harry, also the Ramsgate beach had thousands of tons of sand plundered by TDC when the extension to the harbour on the west cliff was reclaimed some 30 odd years ago to accommodate freight ships and ferries; latterly Brett’s and travellers . In spite of this the sea has not breached the Esplanade road. The dash to save the planet from the seas rising seem to be a little premature

    • There’s a great Channel 5 documentary about the 1953 flood too. Not to mention the one on the 1963 Big Freeze
      Not to mention the inundations of both Sheerness & Deal during the 1980’s.
      So many folk live whole lives removed from Nature. It’s easy to convince them that black is white.

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