Thanet winners at Kent Press & Broadcast Awards

Wins for Frank Leppard and Kathy Bailes at KPBA

Margate photographer Frank Leppard has scooped top place at the Kent Press and Broadcast Awards.

The Dane Valley grandad-of-two was named the winner in the Kent Image of the Year category for his photo showing three young asylum-seeking men sat outside the Manston holding centre last year.

Frank, who was also the holder of last year’s Kent photographer of the year title, impressed judges with the image which was used by both local and national media outlets.

Awards host, BBC’s Martine Croxall, said judges felt it “captured hopelessness and a sense of crisis in one single photograph.”

The dad-of-one is a familiar face on the isle and known for being on the scene to capture everything from film stars to crowded beaches and emergency incidents to community events and celebrations.

There was also a win for The Isle of Thanet News with Kent Scoop of the Year, including being the first to report on the Margate Banksy, and highly commended online/print journalist for Kathy Bailes for articles including the story of hard-hitting Ramsgate film Estate of Mind.

Millie Bowles, of Thanet Extra, won Kent New Journalist of the Year.

The Kent Press and Broadcast Awards is now in its ninth year. It is organised by Maxim PR and supported by a host of Kent organisations and businesses such as EKC Group, Stagecoach South East and Shepherd Neame.