‘Sun burner discovery’ at Theatre Royal prompts need for design plan before major repairs can begin

Theatre Royal Photo Ian Grundy

The discovery of a ‘sun burner’ in the ceiling of Margate’s Theatre Royal means a masterplan will need to be drawn up to examine how the historic building will be ventilated.

In response to a question from Cllr Sam Bambridge about a timeline for the works, Thanet council’s Cabinet member for regeneration and property, Cllr Ruth Duckworth, told members at a full council meeting on Thursday (July 13) of the discovery and that the item is of “heritage significance.”

Sun burners were manufactured in the Victorian era as a means of both gas lighting and ventilating larger public and occasionally private, buildings.

Cllr Duckworth said: “As with all renovations you do not realise the full extent of what needs doing until proper surveys have been done.

“With the Theatre Royal we have discovered the sun burner in the ceiling, which has heritage significance. It is an early Victorian gaslight and ventilation system which needs careful investigation.

“In order to properly ventilate the theatre it is very likely modern plant and extraction will need to be located on the roof and will need to be included in the final designs.

“An overall masterplan is required with conservation principles applied to safeguard the heritage of the theatre. The building will be watertight before the Autumn/early Winter, safeguarding it before the major works begin.

“The council will be applying for National Heritage Lottery funding in the following six months for the project to begin.”

Theatre Royal Photo Sheradon Dublin

The Theatre Royal is allocated £2million for repairs from the £22.2million Margate Town Deal. Of this, urgent repairs are expected to cost £370,000 for minor roof work, removal of the asbestos stage curtain, and fire protection measures and the provision of a proper ventilation system.

Once the urgent works have been completed, the next step will be to complete other structure works including; window repairs and decorations, plastering in lime plaster where plaster has failed, and ceiling repairs to the value of £400,000.

The Theatre Royal and neighbouring 19 Hawley Square will then be marketed as a package to find an operator/commercial partner.

Thanet council bought 19 Hawley Square from Orbit Housing in 2011 with a view to expanding the Theatre’s facilities.

It is understood there was some discussion last year and early this year of taking space at 15-16 Hawley Square which developer Mcube Ltd is converting into a hotel. The renovation, which secured £125,000 from Kent County Council’s No Use Empty scheme via a charge on the building, was viewed as a possibility for providing the ground floor and basement on a long lease as part of the Theatre Royal project. That proposal was later discarded as not suitable.

Theatre Royal Margate

In 2014 Thanet council offered a long lease or freehold interest in the theatre, and buildings at 16a and 19 Hawley Square and there was an expression of interest from Soho Theatres.

Soho Theatres developed a bid to the National Lottery Heritage Fund to deliver an improved theatre alongside community, food and beverage and hotel space at 19 Hawley Square. However, this bid fell through due to being at the end of the funding period although there was sufficient support for the idea.

Your Leisure took the site on in what was supposed to be an interim measure but had been running it up until the closure in April 2022. All staff were made redundant and they have formed Phoenix Community Events.

Theatre Royal is the second oldest working theatre in the country and has 465 seats. The building is currently on the Theatres at Risk Register.

A second query from Cllr Bambridge asked if the £500,000 earmarked for The Oval Bandstand and Lawns could be redistributed to the Winter Gardens and Theatre Royal following a deadlock over signing a grant agreement.

However, Cllr Duckworth said the money was still allocated for GRASS, which heads the Oval project, and it is hoped issues can be resolved.

The Oval bandstand project ‘brought to stand-still’ in row over release of Margate Town Deal funding