Explore dark side of Ramsgate with Mrs Fox’s Skulduggery Tour

Mrs Fox’s Skulduggery Tour

Explore the dark and mysterious side of Ramsgate, including tales of scandal and intrigue, with Mrs Fox’s Skulduggery Tour.

The walk, which takes place every Friday between now and September 22, also includes a dollop of the town’s social history as it follows in the footsteps of smugglers, murderers and smack boys.

The spinetingling two hour guided tour starts at 7pm at the Obelisk by Ramsgate’s harbour, and travels to Ellington Park and back.

Mrs Fox is played by Ramsgate resident Tracy Russell, a costumed historical interpreter with more than 20 years experience, ‘bringing history to life’ in heritage sites, like Hampton Court Palace, the Tower of London, Dover Castle and many more.

Find more on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089828655411

Or go to Eventbrite to buy tickets (£7.50) at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/mrs-foxs-skulduggery-tour-of-ramsgate-tickets-656560589397