Access Ramsgate: Dropped kerbs, buses, loos and shops

Access Ramsgate now has hi-viz tabards

By Laura Probert of Access Ramsgate

When Access Ramsgate met at Radford House on Wednesday people from all over Ramsgate began to share their grievances about the problems they encounter getting around and accessing buildings in the town.

Access means different things to different people, but one of the main problems was that many people attending the meeting do not have internet access so the group need to devise another way to keep in touch.

Many topics were covered, including cobblestones and tactile dropped kerbs, especially when wet, uneven pavements,  changes to bus routes especially the numbers 9 and 45, and design of buses with poles getting in the way.

People complained about access into and out of shops such as Poundland and wondered why disabled people were not consulted when toilets, cafes and stores were being re-designed. Many toilets were narrow and difficult to access whether or not you have a disability.

Several people asked about both the lifts on the East Cliff and Westcliff and we will ask councillors for the latest information. Access to the beach was also mentioned. Some people remembered Ramsgate used to have a boardwalk and this would be of benefit to young families with pushchairs too. .

Access Ramsgate’s next meeting will be on Wednesday 5th July at 11am in Radford House, in Effingham Street, which has easy access for mobility scooters and wheelchairs.

Do come along if you have any concerns about access issues in your part of town. We are hoping to invite a speaker to discuss dropped kerbs and cars parking on pavements. We will also be handing out some maps of Ramsgate for people to highlight dropped kerbs, or more importantly, where there aren’t any dropped kerbs in their area. This will be transferred to an interactive map which will be discussed with KCC and TDC representatives in due course.

We have now acquired sone bright orange hi-viz tabards so if you see someone in the town wearing one please feel free to chat to us.

ACCESS RAMSGATE aims to ensure that:

ACCESS means ACCESS for Everyone

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Supported by Ramsgate Town Council