Chilton pupils litter pick and special rock painting gifts

Chilton litter pick

Helping and supporting the community is an important part of life at Chilton Primary in Ramsgate.

In their latest good citizenship campaign pupils from Year 4 helped tidy up Chilton Lane and Nethercourt Park near the school with a litter pick. Children used grabbers and wore protective glove as they cleared rubbish away and sorted them into bin bags.

In a different way of supporting their community, little ones from the Reception year group worked together to help cheer up the day for people in their area. They painted positive messages with colourful designs on small rocks and hid them around the area for passers-by to discover.

The two projects are part of the Be You, Be Here, Belong project that all pupils are part of in their focus in PSHE – personal, social health and economic education learning.

Hannah Cheshire, Deputy Head of School, said: “These two events covered two important areas. Our litter picking crews were determined to make sure that the park was clean and pleasant for other people to enjoy and set about their task with great enthusiasm.

“The idea behind the painted rocks with positive affirmations is very simple – just to brighten up someone else’s day and make them smile, which is a lovely thing to be able to do.”

The events are part of Chilton’s wider teaching this term that comprises the celebration of being me, and being a part of a team within the class, school and community. It is important that our children identify their roles in their own world and the wider community.

Kate Law is Head of School/Director of Education. She praised the initiatives and added: “As well as exploring why they are proud of themselves as individuals, pupils have discussed why they are great together as a team in class and what they each contribute to the whole and have widened this to how they are proud to be important parts of Team Chilton.”

*PSHE : Personal, social, health and economic education is a school curriculum subject in England that focuses on strengthening the knowledge, skills, and connections to keep children and young people healthy and safe and prepare them for life and work.