Greek Gods and Mortals at Chilton Primary School

Ancient Greece topic at Chilton

The wonders of Ancient Greece came alive for children at Chilton Primary School in Ramsgate to mark the end of their term-long exploration of the civilisation.

Pupils and teachers in Year 5 took part in a special Greek day and marked the occasion by dressing as their favourite god or mortal, with characters ranging from the Cyclops to Zeus seen in and around the school.

They also acted out their favourite myths and legends, tasted and rated Greek food, and tried their hand at traditional Greek dancing.

It was a lively and enthusiastic end to the Gods and Mortals topic that had begun with a Greek-inspired Olympic Games after children had studied the origins and legacy of the sports that arose in Olympia. They also made links to its influence on the western world and the modern-day Olympic Games.

Throughout their History learning they found out about the Ancient Greek government and the idea of democracy – where it began in ancient Athens, where issues were discussed and then voted upon. They also compared this to the idea of democracy in today’s western world.

The marvellous myths and legends were a big favourite which linked in to the specific English text of The Adventures of Odysseus. They explored a range of tales about Perseus, Pandora and Medusa, Theseus and the Minotaur and discussed their influence on life in Ancient Greece and how these stories have been passed through time. They also considered what the populace believed in, their views on the afterlife and how this affected the way they lived day to day.

They also studied a range of architectural structures such as the Parthenon and the Temple of Olympian, considered why they were constructed and the influence that they have had on modern architecture. They also created their own traditional-style clay pots and designed and made worked mechanical models.

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As well as exploring the past to celebrate and experience the nation’s culture and heritage, the topic was incorporated across the curriculum to encourage pupils to delve deeper into the subject to offer a well-rounded learning exploration of Ancient Greece.