Focus on plastic waste at free Discovery Planet sessions in Ramsgate

Discovery Planet’s science workshops Photo Pete Bateson

Discovery Planet C.I.C.’s next set of free workshops will focus on plastic waste.

Researchers from the University of Kent will be able to explain how their research is helping to tackle the problem of plastic pollution. The workshops will take place on the 16th, 17th, and 18th of March at Discovery Planet’s HQ – 47 High Street Ramsgate.

School groups can pre-book sessions on the 17th and 18th and the Saturday sessions will be completely free and open to the public to drop in. There’s no need to book, just drop in on the hour, every hour from 10am to 3pm, which is when the last session starts. 10am is a special calm session for those that need a quieter environment.

Discovery Planet C.I.C recently held successful science workshops about the heart. Over the course of two days around 250 school children from Thanet schools participated in interactive activities to learn about how the heart works, and how to keep it healthy.

The workshops were led by Dr Emma Hargreaves, Lecturer in Microbiology and Public Engagement Coordinator in the School of Biosciences at Kent University; and Dr Jake Bowd, Lecturer in Biomechanics and Statistics, assisted by a team of undergraduates and postgraduates.

On the third day the workshops were open to around 200 members of the public, and Discovery Planet teamed up with their near neighbours, Arts in Ramsgate, to provide an additional art activity led by isle artist, Carson Parkin-Fairley. People were able to relax, chat and decorate wooden hearts to take home.

Listen to Discovery Planet’s new podcasts about the heart workshop and other previous sessions on Ramsgate Radio at

Find out more about Discovery Planet on Facebook: @DiscoveryPlanetUK    Twitter @ScienceSpaceCr8 and Instagram @discovery_planet_0  or visiting

1 Comment

  1. Before clearing and going plastic free could we deal with clearing the cigarette butts,tin cans, cigarette boxes,straws, coffee cups etc all over the back streets,parks and hedges all over Thanet.
    Litter in Thanet is the worst Ive ever seen.Perhaps if TDC set a high standard of cleaning people wouldnt throw so much litter.Thats the basic of pollution awareness.

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