Discovery Planet in Ramsgate to host NHS event and interactive heart workshop sessions

Discovery Planet Photo Pete Bateson

Discovery Planet in Ramsgate is hosting an NHS event on February 7 followed by an interactive workshop exploring the heart on February 11.

The NHS focus group will take place at the Discovery Planet HQ in the High Street and is aimed at getting public views around opportunities to take part in research through the health services patients receive.

Kent and Medway community and mental health NHS services are looking to improve access to research and would like to hear from people who have received care in the community for their physical health, in addition to having had any needs/issue related to their mental health.

Participants in the focus groups will receive a £25 supermarket voucher and travel expenses to attend.
The group is at Discovery Planet, 47 High Street, Ramsgate, on Tuesday, 7 February at 11am.

If you are interested in taking part in this or future focus groups, email: [email protected] or phone 0300 013 2078.

Photo Pete Bateson

On February 11 Discovery Planet hosts its free heart workshop.

Each day, your heart beats around 100,000 times. This muscle, about the size of your fist, continuously pumps about five litres (eight pints) of blood around your body, delivering essential oxygen and nutrients to all parts of your body.

Discovery Planet’s workshops will explore how the heart functions in more detail, and help you understand why and how you can keep it healthy.

The fun, interactive sessions, open to all ages, will take place on Saturday, February 11 in Discovery Planet’s HQ. As usual it’s completely free of charge, there is no need to book, and people can just drop in at the start of each hourly session, between 10am and 3pm (which is when the last one begins). The 10am slot will be a special calm session, for those that require a quieter environment.

Photo Pete Bateson

The workshops will be led by a team of scientists from the University of Kent and you’ll have the chance to ask any questions you might have.

Since the heart is an age-old symbol of love, and we are approaching  Valentine’s Day, Discovery Planet is encouraging people to follow them on social media, to watch out for a wide range of information about heart health, and the scientific benefits of love and kindness. Discovery Planet has a website and you can follow them on Facebook ttps://  Twitter: @ScienceSpaceCr8 or Instagram: @discovery_planet_0


  1. This is all dealt with in GCSE Science.
    Why is the taxpayer funding the restating of what they have already paid to be taught to those who failed to listen the first time?
    That restatement being undertaken by people who are employed by the taxpayer to make the sick well.
    NHS. The biggest money pit in British history.

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