A new build of 10 flats and a physio/clinic site on land by Pilgrims Hospice and QEQM Hospital has been granted approval.
The development, also close to The Nightingales nursing accommodation off Ramsgate Road, was previously allocated for a 24-bed specialist care facility for persons with dementia or for respite care.
But the hospital trust no longer needs the space for hospital expansion and planning documents say little interest has been received in the specialist facility, prompting a new use for the site.
Permission was granted on in June 2021 for a hybrid application that included a 66 bed non-specialist care home and a 24 bed warden assisted specialist facility which is now under construction.
The proposed physio/clinic use has a potential occupier that is not linked to the hospital, although its close proximity is beneficial should there be a need to link the clinic with the hospital in the future. The close proximity is also useful for sustainability grounds as patients of the hospital may require the clinic, and the clinic is in close proximity of accommodation that serves health professionals, who may decide to work at the facility. The proposed clinic is also within walking distance of Yoakley House, assisted living accommodation, which may require the services of the commercial health unit.
Seventeen parking spaces have been provided, including one per residential unit, two visitor parking spaces, and the remaining five spaces, of which two are disabled, to serve staff and patients of the clinic. There will be electric vehicle charging points provided to ten of the parking spaces.
Documents from ON Architecture on behalf of applicant Albion Developments say: “There are eight 2 bedroom units and two 3 bedroom units. Additionally, a physiotherapy/clinic is situated on the ground floor, with separate entrance.
“Each apartment has an open plan living, kitchen and dining space, with a separate bedrooms and bathrooms, while the 3 bedroom units have ensuites; also includes an additional storey (second floor) which leads up to a play room and store.”
Developer contribution will be paid for:
£12,940.00 towards secondary education through the provision of additional secondary places within Thanet;
£3,777.80 towards the acquisition of secondary education land;
£554.50 towards libraries, to provide additional services and stock at Margate library; –
£164.20 towards community learning to provide additional resources, equipment and services at Margate Adult Education Centre; –
£655.00 towards youth services, to provide additional equipment and resources for the Thanet youth service;
£1,468.80 towards social care, to provide specialist care accommodation, assistive technology systems and equipment to adapt homes
£544.70 towards waste services, to provide a materials recovery facility and improvements at Margate household waste recycling centre.
Rough arithmetic means the Developer contribution is 20k which seems small as we need better roads to alleviate the constant traffic jams on the Ramsgate & Margate roads & Westwood X of course. Nash Lane has narrow pinch points and is often used to avoid the main roads. Where on earth is the infrastructure to support the enormous amount of new homes being built ???
Agree – £20k seems a laughable contribution given the profit the developer will be making – very pecise too, down to a few pence. Education, libraries, waste, community and social care are all KCC run services, doubt we’ll see the benefit.
Same old TDC, roll over for the developers and forget all about the people who live here.