Margate Pride alongside Screen Archive South East (SASE) present Our Screen Heritage at Dreamland in Margate this month.
It features an archive series of public film events exploring and celebrating LGBTQIA+ life in east Kent.
Following a major public callout for film footage, aiming to discover, document and share key stories of past and present queer communities, contributions span over 30 years.
Volunteer community curators from Margate’s LGBTQIA+ community, are actively collecting material from the public, alongside capturing on film for the first time, stories, and memories from the local LGBTQIA+ community.
Our Screen Heritage hosts a screening at Dreamland on October 22. The gala Saturday night event is free and open to all.
Margate’s gala screening from 7.30pm will be shown along with appearances from Shelly Grotto, a Margate based, drag performer who performs as Margate landmark statue Mrs Booth the Shell Lady, performance artist An(dre)a Spisto, who is also from Margate and a film maker and clown.
Booking and information can be found here:
As well as screenings, Margate Pride presents exhibition (Archive As) Quiet Rebellion at The Margate School from 14 October to 25 October featuring films by Kent artists, performers and film makers Jake Wood, Robert George Sanders and Harry Evans, as well as performance, music and more Tommy Poppers and Lunatraktors.
Screen Archive South East continues to accept submissions of LGBTQIA+ footage for preservation and to be made available for free community use both now and in the future.
More information on the public events and how to submit films can be found here: