Three events are due to take place in Thanet to celebrate Great Big Green Week.
Kent County Council (KCC) is joining forces with other partners – including district and borough councils and community groups – in the county to invite residents to take part in the national week of action.
From Saturday 24th September to Sunday 2nd October KCC will be supporting the UK wide celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature.
A dedicated webpage has been set up to help people find green events and activities near them using an interactive map. Residents can also share top green tips and ideas and what green action they are already taking and what they are finding more difficult.
KCC’s Cabinet Member for Environment, Susan Carey, said: “The Great Big Green Week is a UK wide celebration of community action to tackle climate change and protect nature.
“People are finding ways as individuals and communities to reduce their impact on our environment and make more room for nature. KCC is joining with other partners in the county to publicise events across the county. Every step we take to make our lives more environmentally friendly adds up to an enormous impact collectively.
“I hope people use our interactive map to find something that will inspire them to do even more for Kent’s environment.”
The Great Big Green Week is a campaign run by The Climate Coalition
KCC has committed to carbon neutrality for its own estate and operations by 2030 and is working towards Net Zero for Kent as a whole by 2050.
It followed the council formally recognising the UK climate emergency in May 2019.
Visit to see the events map.
Thanet events listed
Community Eco Day Dane Park, Margate Tuesday 27th September
Plastic-Free Picnic Community Eco Day, Ellington Park, Ramsgate, Thursday 29th September
Pierremont Park, Broadstairs on Friday 30 September
Timings and activities for events above, Broadstairs event ends at 2pm.
Climate change is a scam
Climate Change is real, it’s man made, it’s happening now, as can be seen from the increasingly excessive and unusual weather events happening round the Globe.
Maybe they ought to fix the ev charge points in both multistorey car parks that have been broken for over a year
To be honest with a dirty cargo hub and planes flying over every 15 minutes. The hundreds of extra HGV and HGV Tankers on our roads.
The ferries also bring in more HGV’s and cars blocking up our roads.
What’s the point ?
Thats a laugh….I support all things green but Thanet Council are the biggest abusers.Take a trip from London and the roadsides are all pretty free of litter.The moment you hit Thanet litter increases 10 fold.
Its thanet people that litter perhaps it how they like thanet.
I’ve seen binmen drop litter while loading into lorries and not bother picking it up (whatever happened to them carrying brooms and shovels?), as well as foxes and seagulls ripping bags open… point is, it isn’t ALL caused by the general public.
Incidentally, I was in Tankerton last week, and I saw a roadsweeper that was actually pulling up weeds growing in the pavement (the gutters were already spotless). It reminded me of how TDC used to be 20+ years ago!
KCC matter
It’s all flim flam.
Meaningless gestures.
Last week Cllr Constantine was challenged to say how many times she used the bus, compared with the car for journeys. It took her several days to come up with a half baked reply showing she used the car extensively.
KCC has just approved the slashing of bus services round the county.
TDC is supporting a cargo hub airport.
Until people start thinking seriously about Climate Change and actually changing their lifestyles, were stuffed. A week of Green activities will do nothing.