New support group for Ukrainian refugees and hosts held in Ramsgate

Refugee support group

Ramsgate Town Council hosted a successful first meeting of a new support group for Ukrainian refugees and their hosts in Ramsgate on Wednesday (June 22) at the Custom House.

Twenty-two people attended, roughly half of them refugees, mainly from Kiev and Kharkiv, and the rest sponsors, hosts and supporters. Councillor Becky Wing chaired the meeting, assisted by Ukrainian refugee and schoolteacher Nadia Hryhorieva, who translated throughout. Becky’s fellow Central Harbour Councillors Tricia Austin and Raushan Ara, the Mayor of Ramsgate, assisted, and two Thanet council officers with responsibilities for homelessness, employment and benefits also offered advice and help.

Most of the refugees had only been in the UK for a month or two and had left family members behind. This was the first time many members of the group had met each other, so they were able to share information and advice in English and Ukrainian. Their concerns included registering children for school, accessing public transport, applying for work, registering for doctors and dentists, and how to find a place in English classes. Parents wanted their children to have opportunities to mix with children their own age and improve their English before going to school.

Participants were told about local support services including the Salvation Army in the High Street, which offers free food and also has a stock of new summer clothing to help those who fled their homes with only winter clothes, and the Our Kitchen Food Club in George Street which sells healthy food cheaply. The group, with the support of councillors, aims to set up some local activity sessions over the summer period for both adults and children.

The group will meet again on Wednesday, July 6 at 10am at the Custom House, Harbour Parade CT11 8LP and all Ukrainian and other refugees, sponsors and supporters are welcome.

For anyone interested in sponsoring some fleeing Ukraine, information can be found on the TDC website at

To donate to the Salvation Army’s Ukraine appeal, visit

Salvation Army Ramsgate:

Our Kitchen:

Contact numbers for further information: Cllr Becky Wing 07804 252006; Cllr Tricia Austin 07775 794408; Cllr Raushan Ara 07528 804959; Nadia Hryhorieva 0380 50 239 9372 (Ukrainian number – for messages & calls via WhatsApp)


  1. I don’t know how many Ukranians read IoTN, but I wonder if it would be possible to post the important bits of this item (phone numbers for the Sally Army etc) in Ukranian?

    • You people disgust me! I was a child refugee myself, and my mum and I were left only with what we stood up in after the end of the war, but friends, and family rallied around, and we got started again! saying anything against refugees should be classed as racist, and I hope the police take action here!

  2. Wakeuppeople – you sound like another idiot who has never left Thanet and probably never put anything back into society via work, etc. I had the pleasure of working with Ukraine Aircrew/people for many years and clowns like you have no idea. Please grow up or get work.

  3. They’ll quickly need to learn the English phrase “Your call is important to us but all of our receptionists are currently busy” if they actually try and book a Doctor’s appointment.

  4. Thanet seems to have more than it’s fair share of numptys.

    Their country has been invaded

    And we get numptys on here saying send them back. Give your heads a wobble.

  5. This is a great initiative – very progressive. For saying most of the refugees will be women they must have found it a pleasant surprise to see the group is headed by a female mayor, supported by female councillors. As a woman I’d be reassured by that if I’d fled to a country I knew little about. I have a Ramsgate-based friend who is Ukrainian by birth who is hosting Ukrainian refugees so it would be good to ensure you advertise this group in Russian in places like Victoria stores on queen st where they do their shopping (I say Russian intentionally as many Ukrainians mainly speak Russian, although naturally there’s a move away from that now).

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