Battle of Britain Day marked at RAF Spitfire & Hurricane Memorial Museum in Manston

Wreath laying at the service for Battle of Britain Day

Today (September 15) a wreath laying ceremony was held at the Allied Aircrew Memorial Gardens at the RAF Spitfire & Hurricane Memorial Museum in Manston.

The ceremony was to mark Battle of Britain Day. On Sunday 15 September 1940, the Luftwaffe launched its largest and most concentrated attack against London in the hope of drawing out the RAF into a battle of annihilation.

Around 1,500 aircraft took part in the air battles which lasted until dusk. The action was the climax of the Battle of Britain. RAF Fighter Command defeated the German raids. Both sides suffered heavy losses during the Battle of Britain – 544 pilots, from RAF Fighter Command were killed and 2,500 Luftwaffe airmen lost their lives.

In the aftermath of the raid, Hitler postponed Operation Sea Lion. Having been defeated in daylight, the Luftwaffe turned its attention to The Blitz night campaign which lasted until May 1941.

Wreaths were laid by local dignitaries including Mayors and Lady Mayoress’ from Margate and Ramsgate.