Children in Year 5 at St Laurence junior school in Ramsgate have been learning how some 2,500 years ago, Greece was one of the most important places in the ancient world. The Greeks were great thinkers, warriors, writers, actors, athletes, artists and much more.
The children have spent two days finishing their Ancient Greek topic by trying their hand at two different crafts.
Children from Dickens and Townley class used soap to sculpt Greek busts. Spending the morning looking at existing sculptures, they were then let loose on their soap with a toothpick. At first, the children were hesitant to use such a small tool but they soon realised they would have to painstakingly scratch away at the soap to achieve their desired design.
The next day, the children were given a bigger project – to design a new labyrinth for King Minos. To enable the children to be efficient architects and builders they had to read the story of Theseus and the Minotaur, research the features and characteristic needed to hold the minotaur inside and use a range of cross-curricular skills to achieve a successful structure. The children initially designed their labyrinth on paper before using that design to replicate, test and evaluate a 3d building.
Mrs Mountjoy, Year 5 teacher and Head of History, said: “It was lovely to see the culmination of two terms work in the children sculptures and labyrinths. The children had to show a lot of resilience and determination in both tasks as neither was easy! We were so proud of everything they produced and loved bringing this topic to a close in this way.”