Some £769,436 will be spent in Ramsgate and Canterbury to make the streets safer following the grant award to Kent’s Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Scott.
The money, from the government’s Safer Streets Fund, will be spent on improvements to CCTV and home security equipment, as well as providing personal attack alarms for some young women and girls. It will also be used to remove graffiti and clean up litter as well and hosting community crime prevention events.
Speaking about the award, Matthew Scott said: “I’m delighted we’re going to receive this money, which will help reduce antisocial behaviour and make people feel safer in their homes and communities.
“Our existing Safer Streets project in Gillingham has been a huge success and I’m looking forward to working with our partners in Ramsgate and Canterbury to affect the same improvements there.
“This will complement the investment we have already put into these areas, with extra Town Centre Officers and PCSOs focussed on crime prevention and antisocial behaviour.”
The money was awarded following a bidding process and Kent is one of the few areas to receive funding for two projects. One will be in Central Harbour and Eastcliff area of Ramsgate, the other in the Westgate area of Canterbury.
Improvements to CCTV, litter clearing and removal of graffiti ? Aren’t they TDC functions we are already paying Council Tax for ?
Be better spent putting more officers on the streets, get back to basic policing, electric bikes ,get officers out of cars and walk the streets ,as you say cleaning the streets is a councils job we pay for that ,stop sitting on it thanet council,
Why are personal attack alarms being given to some women and girls? Men are far more likely to suffer violence in the street.
a visible police presence is what is needed, not once in a blue moon but regular beats. litter should be covered by council but people need to take responsibility and not drop litter or flytip on the streets,too many people are dumping their unwanted sofas, tvs and general rubbish on the streets, either take it to the tip or pay someone to take it for you. nobody has pride in where they live anymore.
You won’t even begin to combat anti social behaviour until you increase the number of Police, why is it that everyone else can see that except for our government 🤷🏼♂️