Permission renewed for 48 homes off Manston Road

The outline application is for 48 homes

Permission has been granted for an outline application to build 48 homes in Manston Road, Ramsgate on land adjacent to The Beacon.

Outline planning permission was previously granted for the development at the former car storage site in  2018. The current application renews the planning permission and includes updated supporting reports.

The land, which has traditional been used by the circus for its Thanet performances but is also often used by Travellers, is previously undeveloped. It is close to the Manston Green site were 785 homes are due to be developed.

The outline application from Smart Planning Ltd, is for 12 one-bed flats, 10 two-bed flats, 10 two-bed houses, 12 three-bed houses and 4 four-bed houses.  Fourteen of the properties will be ‘affordable housing.’

Reptiles at the site will be relocated to Manston Golf Course.

Smart Planning

The developer is expected to make contributions of

Special Protection Area – £16,800

Secondary Education – £6,687.11 per house and £1,671.78 per flat

Libraries – £2,661.60 (Ramsgate library)

Play equipment – £42,000  (Princess Margaret Avenue and Warre Rec)

Community learning – £788.16 (Broadstairs Adult Education Centre)

Social care – £7,146.24

Youth service – £3,144

Health Provision – £41,472 (new medical centre at Westwood)

Waste and recycling facilities – £4,450.56 –

30% on-site affordable housing provision

Thanet council granted approval on Tuesday (February 9).