Support for Margate nursing home following covid outbreak

Shottendane Nursing Home

Shottendane Nursing Home in Margate is receiving support from GPs, Kent County Council and Public Health England following a covid outbreak.

A number of residents, staff and the registered manager have tested positive and one resident is understood to have sadly died.

The home, which is rated good in all areas by the Care Quality Commission and has been running since 1988, has capacity for up to 38 people who have nursing needs and require end of life care.

The CQC is monitoring the situation.

A spokesperson for Kent County Council (KCC) said: “We were saddened to hear that Shottendane Nursing Home has experienced a COVID outbreak over the New Year period.

“There are currently some staff members who have tested COVID positive, including the Registered Manager and a small number of confirmed resident cases.  Some residents are currently awaiting test results due to it being a rolling programme.

“Within the Thanet locality, KCC, CCG and KCHFT hold daily conference calls to discuss all care homes with outbreaks and to offer support as required to home managers, staff and residents.

“In addition, Shottendane Nursing Home are receiving on-going support from Public Health England, Infection Control and their GP practices via their Primary Care Networks.”

Vaccination programme

The covid vaccination programme began roll out in care homes last month. The NHS is  providing GPs with an extra £10 for every care home resident they  vaccinate against Covid by the end of January in an accelerated drive to protect the most vulnerable.

The NHS vaccination programme, the biggest in health service history, is being expanded after regulators approved the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine..

The logistical challenges of using the Pfizer vaccine, which was the first to be approved by regulators, made it difficult to use in care homes. The vaccine needs to be kept at -70 degrees until it is ready to be used and can only be moved a limited number of times.

The Oxford-AstraZeneca jab can be kept at fridge temperature and transported more easily, making it easier to get to care home residents.