Long Covid clinic earmarked for Kent and Medway

Covid care Photo EKHUFT

The NHS will launch a network of more than 40 ‘Long Covid’ specialist clinics – which includes one for Kent and Medway – within weeks to help thousands of patients suffering debilitating effects of the virus months after being infected.

The clinics, due to start opening at the end of November, will bring together doctors, nurses, therapists and other NHS staff for physical and psychological assessments of those experiencing enduring symptoms.

The condition, which is thought to affect more than 60,000 people in the UK, can cause continuing fatigue, brain fog’, breathlessness and pain.

NHS England has provided £10 million to fund the pioneering clinics, which will see patients who have been hospitalised, officially diagnosed after a test or reasonably believe they had Covid-19.

Six sites have been earmarked for the East of England, South West and South East respectively with one of those to be sited for Kent and Medway.

Ten sites have been earmarked for the Midlands, seven in the North East, five in London and three in the North West.

Patients will be able to access services through a GP referral or referral from other healthcare professional, allowing doctors an opportunity to rule out any other possible underlying causes for symptoms, such as suspected stroke, lung cancers or respiratory conditions.

The NHS has also launched a new taskforce, with patients, charities, researchers and clinicians, to help manage the NHS approach to ‘long covid’ and produce information and support materials for patients and healthcare professionals to develop a wider understanding of the condition.

NHS Chief Executive Sir Simon Stevens said: “Long Covid is already having a very serious impact on many people’s lives and could well go on to affect hundreds of thousands.

“That is why, while treating rising numbers of patients who are sick with the virus and many more who do not have it, the NHS is taking action to address those suffering ongoing health issues.

“These pioneering ‘Long Covid’ clinics will help address the very real problems being faced by patients today while the taskforce will help the NHS develop a greater understanding of the lasting effects of coronavirus.”

A study from King’s College London found that older people, women and those with a greater number of different symptoms in the first week of their illness were more likely to develop Long Covid with one in 10 still unable to shake off the side effects eight weeks after infection.

More recent evidence is also showing that Long Covid can be categorised into four different syndromes: post intensive care syndrome, post viral fatigue syndrome, permanent organ damage and long term Covid syndrome.


  1. With over 2,300 cases so far in Thanet alone I don’t see one clinic for the whole of Kent & Medway making a big impact – it’s the usual stuff of this government, big headlines that do not stand up when we examine the detail.
    I was always taught to under promise and over deliver – this lot seem to have got it the other way round!

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