Thanet council has introduced a trial scheme for 30 minutes free parking in Birchington’s main shopping area.
Motorists parking in the on-street parking bays on Crescent Road, Station Road, Eastfield Road, Paddock Road and Station Approach Road, currently receive 30 minutes beyond the time of their purchased ticket.
Signs are in place on the payment machines in the relevant locations to advise motorists.
The four-week trial has been introduced at the request of the Council leader Rick Everitt and Cabinet Member for Operational Services Steve Albon following suggestions put forward by ward councillors Phil Fellows and David Hart and feedback from local residents. It is hoped this will encourage people to spend more time visiting local shops and facilities in the town.
At the end of the trial, the scheme will be reviewed to consider whether it should be adopted on a permanent basis. It will initially be in place until Monday 28 September.
Free parking is also available on Saturdays at designated car parks in Margate, Broadstairs and Ramsgate.
Great idea!
If the made the first half hour free, they’d get a lot more people shopping in town! Typical TDC. Not a good business head between them!
The problem with making the first 30 minutes free, is that people will only nip in for essentials, making charity shops and eateries suffer while the 2 Co-Ops prosper. The scheme they’re offering is far more sensible.
Don’t make sense they have just mess up Westgate yet give Birchington 30 minutes free.
I wish they’d also “mess up” Birchington by reducing traffic and widening pedestrian areas, but sadly this is unlikely. As for free parking, Westgate already has that.
I lived in Romford and they implemented this about 10yrs ago across the whole of Havering. Fantastic idea. It helps bring in business and encourages shopping. It helps those on lower incomes and those with mobility issues trying to get change from a nearby shop to put in the machine. This will be a good thing when it’s across the whole of thanet and stop the ridiculous parking charges in private car parks like PoundStretcher in Margate. Well done TDC
How will it have any effect on private car parks? TDC has nothing to do with those? However I was in birchington today and saw people buying parking tickets so I think this is working and people are taking advantage of this free half hour extra. Good job TDC
Chris, you’ll never fit in with the locals with that sort of positive attitude! ; )
Should benefit local shops if successful hopefully extended to Margate.
I am sad right now Kathy.
Bob Brown has sadly passed away
Birchington always has prospered over Westgate and it will do so even more when Westgate shuts down altogether. Well done T D C and K C C