Creative ‘guardians of the veg’ have appeared at Culmer’s Allotment in Broadstairs

Fantastic scarecrows at Culmer's Allotments
Members of Culmer’s Allotments in Broadstairs didn’t let the announcement of the lockdown dampen their spirits, instead they started a scarecrow competition to help keep plot holders and their children entertained.
Pretty soon the plot was awash with creative guardians of the veg, from a futuristic robot style scarecrow, a pirate, a Marilyn Monroe figure complete with shiny accessories, a Mexican bandit,  a pigtailed land girl digging for victory, lots of traditional style scarers and even one that appeared to be a man who had fallen into a deep hole and needed some help (the empty beer cans near him may have contributed to his problems).
The main aim was to have fun and keep busy and it certainly seems to have achieved that. More than 25 plot holders took part and it made the site that much more cheery and welcoming at a strange time for all.
All children who helped build a scarecrow were entitled to claim a ‘Certificate of Excellence’ to thank them for their fabulous efforts in produce protection.
Judging of the creations is currently taking place and the winner of the trophy is yet to be announced.
If you are walking by Culmer’s Allotments, at the rear of Vere Road car park off Beach Road, take a peep through the fence and enjoy some of the fine scarecrows still keeping guard on their plots.


  1. I think it’s fantastic idea and to think that they all look like TDC councillors what a fun way to get children involved with gardening.

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