Public views wanted on Westgate puffin crossing proposal

The crossing will be by Ursuline College (Image google maps)

Plans for a new puffin crossing on Canterbury Road in Westgate are open for public consultation.

Kent County Council is proposing to install the signalised crossing outside Ursuline College. The plan is to widen the central reservation to create a staggered crossing.

KCC Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport Michael Payne said: “There is not currently a crossing outside the school and we believe this scheme will provide a safe and convenient crossing point for pedestrians and could encourage more students to walk to school.

“As part of our Active Travel Strategy, we want to make walking or cycling an attractive and realistic choice for short journeys.

“We’re proposing a staggered crossing, meaning pedestrians cross the road in two stages, to ensure traffic is stopped for the least amount of time.”

As part of the changes there would be restricted access to Hengist Road with vehicles only able to turn left into the road.

Locating the crossing on either side of Hengist Road was deemed unsafe as the slight hill means it would be hidden to approaching traffic.

A short section of the pavement at the bottom of Hengist Road could be widened for a shared footpath/cycleway to be put in.

Some additional double yellow lines will be needed to make sure there are clear sight lines in each direction.

The existing bus stop on the north side of the road would be moved slightly to provide more space for pedestrians to wait, away from the edge of the road, and to ensure that stationary buses do not stop motorists seeing pedestrians crossing the road. A new shelter will also be installed.

This scheme will cost approximately £200,000 and will be paid out of KCC’s Local Transport Plan fund.

KCC councillor Emma Dawson, representing Birchington and Rural, said: “After a very long and awaited time, we now have the issue of traffic and road plans brought into the public domain for consultation regarding the proposed signal-controlled crossing in Westgate-on-Sea.

“I have attended meetings throughout the period of two years to establish with the highway officers a proposal that will keep children safe. The Ursuline school desperately needed a safe and controlled crossing.

“Westgate Town Council has supported the plans to initiate the project and many of the parents of children who attend the school also support it.  It is felt that alternative measures were required to calm the chaotic road system and control pedestrian and traffic disorder.

“Both Cllr Hurst and I are supporting this project with our community grant funding, which has initially helped to start the process and move the project forward.

“Please go to the consultation and have your say. The new plans will be beneficial for all who use the road. Road safety will be enforced by the new design for pedestrians and for traffic.”

To take part in the consultation, visit

The closing date is midnight on Monday, August 3.