Ramsgate Arts Primary Improvement Plan to tackle and understand racism

RAPs diversity resource team

Ramsgate Arts Primary has pledged to help children and families tackle, understand and explain racism.

In the face of growing anti-racist movements worldwide, the school is campaigning for its own community to understand, discuss and challenge the embedded global problem of racism.

Although the school embraces and celebrates diversity as part of its core values, Head of School Nick Budge believes more can be done.

He said: “We need to ensure respect for diversity is embedded in everything we do. This is a massive undertaking and must be measured and planned, not a knee jerk reaction.

“It will become a part of our School Improvement Plan and everybody will be involved – governors, teachers, parents and children, the whole community.

“It is necessary and significant to find the courage to speak to young people about inequality and racism that communities and individuals can face.”

The school has put together a series of resources to “help make sense of difficult themes.” It has been prepared by Deputy Head Hanna Beech and teachers Isla Aitken and Kiki Amu.

It is being shared via the school’s streaming service and contains a parent help guide with tips and suggestions when talking to children about racism. There are also various links to websites that support discussions about racism and book recommendations for a range of age groups.

The resource blog says: “We believe that providing young people with the knowledge (at an age-appropriate level) to develop an understanding of racism and inequality is fundamental to breaking down the systems that have led to the unjust oppression of BAME people and communities.

“Among other key drivers, we pledge as a school to show a commitment to the following aims:

* to stand together against racism as an anti-racist school. This means we will challenge any overt or covert racism directly and fairly.

* to ‘see colour’, acting pre-emptively to ensure representation of BAME people and communities in our curriculum.

* to evaluate and reflect on our school practices, seeking ways to make sure we do the very best we can.

The package also offers families top tips to tackle talking about racism. These include: be comfortable talking and learning about race, racism, and racial inequity yourself first; encourage your child to ask questions; make talking about skin colour normal, encourage respectful curiosity and dispel negative stereotypes; read and share relevant books; use the concept of fairness; be a model of anti-racist behaviour for your child; encourage complex critical thinking.

The resource team also say: “If our children are to grow into successful members of society, they must first understand themselves and others. This is why we aim to embed our school’s core values to help our pupils develop into kind, hard-working and collaborative citizens.”

Mr Budge added: “I am proud of our stance and the hard work that has gone into proving such a useful resource for families and teachers.

“It is a major step forward. We know that we have a long way to go but every step is worthwhile if we are to help bring about sustainable much-needed change.”

To find out more, go online to www.ramsgateartsprimaryschool.co.uk