Written by Minster CofE Primary School house captains Ellie Robertson and William Barras
House-bound pupils from Minster CofE Primary School have come together via social media to initiate a wonderful and innovative way of staying fit and entertained while raising vital funds for the NHS.
Led by House Captain, Ellie Robertson, 11, and her co-house captains, they came up with the idea of setting up a virtual 2.6 challenge , using the wonders of modern technology to communicate with each other. They are receiving virtual guidance and support from their class teacher Mrs Wilkinson.
Year 6 teacher, Mrs Wilkinson said: “I am so proud of our House Captains. They really do make a difference and help our NHS as well as keep the pupils of Minster positive and motivated at home during lockdown. I can’t wait to see what challenges the children come up with!”
No doubt, many of you will have heard of the The 2.6 Challenge: The key is to create a challenge for yourself that centres around the digits 2 and 6.
Ellie said: “With the cancellation of the London Marathon on April 26, the Coronavirus has meant that many charities relying on money through fundraising are not getting the support they so desperately need.
“ As a charity very close to home, we have chosen to set up a donation page for East Kent Hospitals. These donations will support the physical and emotional well-being of local staff through this difficult time, providing vital additional equipment and much more.”
One parent said “What wonderful children we have! Once again, it shows Minster CEP school encouraging their pupils to care for and support their community.”
The House Captains have led the way and produced a video message that has been sent to all pupils inviting them to take part in the challenge and donate at the same time.
Examples of these challenges include:
How many cartwheels in 26 seconds?
26 keepie uppies
26 cinnamon biscuits made
How many times can you run to the tree and back in 26 seconds?
Read 26 books
Can you balance a toilet roll on your head whilst walking for 26 seconds?
The choices are unlimited, the only rule is you have fun attempting them! Each challenge is posted to the school Facebook website.
The House Captains said: “It’s a brilliant way to inspire the younger children and raise money for the NHS – It helps keep us united when apart and allows us to remember we still belong to a school community even though we are not in the same building.
“We can help our key workers who do a wonderful job. Also, we wanted to keep the ‘team Minster’ school spirit going while at home and raise money for the NHS at the same time.”
The House Captains have set up a fundraising page on JustGiving. Find it here www.justgiving.com/fundraising/minster-c-of-e-primary-school
After only 5 hours of the donation site going live, generous donors raised half of the target set. Maybe the children can raise as much as ‘Colonel Tom’?
House Captains: Ellie Robertson, William Barras, Eshal Shabaz, Adair Holmes, Amelia Luckman, Eden Twyman, Emily Hill and Darcey Houghton
Great work Team Minster!