Thanet photographer produces Margate and Ramsgate calendars

The Ramsgate calendar

Thanet photographer Eleanor Marriott has produced some striking calendars for Ramsgate and Margate. Each design is on sale, at £10, in various venues, including Nice Things in Ramsgate and Droit House in Margate.

Eleanor specialises in multiple genres including travel photography, events, portraiture, and stills photography for film companies. She has had several solo exhibitions including at the Pie Factory in Margate, in association with the Turner Contemporary, where she exhibited some 100 of her Indian images..

Eleanor is already taking photos for her 2021 calendars. She intends to cover more areas, including Broadstairs and Thanet villages, and to get them in the shops by next autumn.

To see the calendars and for full details of stockists visit:


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