The new Kent County Council leader will be Roger Gough

Roger Gough

Roger Gough has been elected as the new leader of the Conservative Group at Kent County Council. The election was held at the AGM of the Conservative Group today (October 4)at County Hall.

Cllr Gough, said: ‘It’s a great honour to be chosen by my colleagues to lead our group following Paul Carter’s 14 years and three successive election victories.’

Paul Carter steps down as Leader of Kent County Council at the next meeting of the full council on  October 17 with Cllr Gough expected to be endorsed as the new leader of the council at this meeting.

In welcoming Roger’s election, Cllr Carter said: “Enormous congratulations to Roger on his election. I know better than most what a big responsibility it is. I will help and support him and do my very best not to interfere.”

Cllr Gough is the Member for Sevenoaks North and Darent Valley and was first elected to KCC in 2005. He is currently Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Education.

He lives in the Otford Hills with his wife Michelle and two school aged children.


  1. Councillor details – Roger Gough – Kent
    A full profile of Roger Gough including ward, surgey details, responsibilities, and contact addresses.

  2. We the tax payers should choose a leader
    Look how grey they look
    You wait I will be getting rid of them soon.

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