NHS One You teams are gearing up for a series of special events in Thanet over the festive period which will provide free on-the-spot health checks and health ‘MOT’s’ in venues including high streets and pubs.
Throughout December and January, Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust’s One You advisors will be teaming up with Wellbeing People and several enthusiastic local pubs in Thanet, and Swale, to offer health checks to their customers.
Figures for these areas show that they have some of the county’s highest levels of heart failure and disease. Along with cancer, heart and lung disease account for more than 70 per cent of premature deaths (under the age of 75) in these districts. Stroke is another major health issue and in 2017/18, there were 400 emergency hospital admissions for stroke across Swale and Thanet.
While many people will already be receiving treatment from their doctor and local health services, it’s feared others may be unaware of potential health issues.
If you’re aged 40 to 74-years-old and with no relevant pre-existing conditions, you can sign up for a free NHS health check for advice on keeping yourself healthy and active. Your blood pressure, height and weight will be checked. You will be given a small finger prick test to check your blood cholesterol and you’ll also be asked some questions about your lifestyle and family history. The check will identify the risk of you developing heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes or dementia in the future.
Mark Cummings, One You Locality manager for Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust (KCHFT), said: “We often find that the people who need these checks don’t usually take up the offer if it means going to a GP or clinic appointment. By taking the checks to the streets and pubs of east Kent we can help more people to understand the importance of leading a healthier lifestyle.”
Health Checks are led by KCHFT and commissioned by Kent County Council. Andrew Scott-Clark, KCC’s Director of Public Health, said: “There are many people in Thanet and Swale who are suffering from debilitating conditions and reaching the end of their life prematurely. The tragedy is that many of these conditions and premature deaths can be prevented through simple lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, reducing how much alcohol you drink and increasing physical activity.
“High blood pressure and high cholesterol often cause no symptoms whatsoever, so unless you have a check you won’t know you have them. High blood pressure can trigger an irregular heartbeat which increases the risk of a stroke. If you know that you are at risk, there are services that can help you to get on the right track and small changes to your lifestyle can really help to lower these issues, and you’ll feel fitter and healthier too.”
For advice about small changes you can make to improve your health and wellbeing, and find more support in your area regarding your lifestyle, see www.oneyoukent.org.uk You can also sign up for a Health Check at that website or call 0300 123 1220 (option 4) to find a clinic near you.
For more information on the Festive Health Checks events, go to https://www.facebook.com/events/498943393928637/ or visit KCHFT’s site at www.kentcht.nhs.uk/2018/11/26/free-festive-health-checks/
Health check events
Thursday, 13 December
Wellbeing Bus
Lombard Street, Margate
10am to 4pm
Friday, 14 December
The Royal, 51 Harbour Parade, Ramsgate CT11 8HA
10am to 4pm
Monday, 17 December
Wellbeing Bus
Ramsgate Harbour Parade
10am to 4pm
Tuesday, 18 December
Red Lion Pub, 1 King St, Ramsgate CT11 8NN
11am to 4pm
Wednesday, 2 January
Wellbeing Bus
Queen Street/King Street, Ramsgate
10am to 4pm
Thursday, 3 January
The Red Lion
1 King St, Ramsgate CT11 8NN
11am to 4pm
Friday, 4 January
The Red Lion,
1 King St, Ramsgate CT11 8NN
11am to 4pm
Wednesday, 9 January
Wellbeing Bus Lombard Street, Margate
10am to 4pm
No High streets in the list above, and most events are scheduled for Ramsgate, with just two in Margate. They could have spread more about to reach more people.
I underwent one of these health checks as a Trust governor. Extremely useful and the feedback was sensitively provided ie reduce my weight and stress levels , which confirmed what I knew, but needed to hear from a professional.