The relationship between humans and animals is being explored by children at Ramsgate Arts Primary School.
As part of its special link with Turner Contemporary in Margate, pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 have visited the Animals and Us exhibition.
They worked with the gallery ‘navigators’ to develop their own themes and ideas, inspired by the acclaimed exhibition where artists question and challenge our attitudes towards other species.
Turner Contemporary says of the show: “From our closest companions to the food on our plates, from age-old symbols to our animal selves, this exhibition explores how we relate to and differentiate ourselves from other species.”
In the exhibition artists, scientists, cultural historians and others shared their perspectives on animals and us.
Pupils visited the gallery and looked at the varied exhibits; they also created their own animal tee shirts from recycled clothing; invented their own animals and created a bestiary book, and produced screen printing images for display within the school.
Turner ‘navigator’ Jo Ursell launched the joint project in an assembly where she discussed attitudes to animals and what pets the pupils had. She said: “We are going to explore our relationship with animals – how we treat them, and how they treat us.”
Head of School Nick Budge said: “It was a fascinating project that once again highlighted the importance of our link with the Turner Contemporary Gallery.
“To be able to work in the gallery and spend time absorbing the atmosphere of this brilliant exhibition is an inspiring learning experience.
“The gallery team worked extremely well with our children and it is clear to see that they really encouraged them to think deeply and inspired them to produce thought-provoking and colourful pieces of artwork.
“The feedback from the children and teachers has been positive and this liaison with the gallery reinforces our work as a specialist primary arts school.”
To book a tour of RAPS and see the arts learning in action, contact Head of School Nick Budge on 01843 582847.