Thanet GCSEs 2018: Results from the isle

St George's students have celebrated their GCSE results

St George’s school

St George’s Church of England Foundation School is celebrating results which have shown continued improvements over the last two years.  Despite Government changes to the qualifications, the pupils have once again achieved some fantastic results with some gaining the top grades in the new grading system.

Head teacher Adam Mirams, said: “The hard work of the pupils has resulted in some very pleasing outcomes and we are very proud of what has been achieved by all concerned.  Once again, the pupils, parents and staff have shown what can be achieved by supporting each other despite significant changes to the examination system”.

Top performers for progress are Vladilav Borov, Darina Borova, Sean Cox, James Moody and Hema Khan.  The top 4 performing pupils are Luke Meades, Ruby Widdison-Powell, Robyn Cummins and Jake Mace.

Chatham and Clarendon Grammar

Year 11 students at Chatham & Clarendon Grammar School are celebrating a bumper set of GCSE grades with 19% at Grade 9-8 or A* equivalent, 38% at Grades 9-7 A*-A and 94% at Grades 9-4 A* -C. Congratulations to the 21 Students who gained 8 or more GCSE’s at the top grades.

Head teacher Debra Liddicoat, said:’It is evident that despite all the changes to GCSE courses to make them more rigorous, our students have risen to the challenge and they should be proud of their achievements. Staff are also to be congratulated on their hard work and support provided to students over the past two years.”

King Ethelbert School

King Ethelbert School celebrated another year of outstanding GCSE results with students making exceptional progress at every level of ability.

Fifty per cent of all students achieved a good pass in both English and Maths which places the school as one of the best performing non-selective school in Kent. Some  64% of students achieved a good pass in English and 53% a good pass in Maths.  Science had brilliant success with the first year of the new, very challenging GCSE specification, with the number of students achieving at least 2 science passes nearly doubling.

Notable results were:

Mercy Horsington-White – 10 good passes with 7 at the very top grades of 7-9 or A-A** (including grade 9 and a distinction star)

Lani Perry – 9 good passes with 6 at the very top grades of 7-9 or A-A** (including grade 9 and two distinction stars)

Richard Hulks – 10 good passes with 6 at the very top grades of 7-9 or A-A** (including a distinction star)

Zoe Warner – 9 good passes with 5 at the very top grades of 7-9 or A-A** (including a distinction star)

Jessica Sterling – 10 good passes with 4 at the very top grades of 7-9 or A-A** (including a distinction star)

Connor Neal – 9 good passes with 3 at the very top grades of 7-9 or A-A** (including a distinction star)

Head teacher Kate Greig said: “These are fantastic results and we are enormously proud or our students.  We have brilliant staff who work so hard to ensure the students achieve the best possible grades they can but the students deserve the real praise for working so hard and for showing real resilience and determination.  The new examinations are much harder than previous years but our students have risen to the challenge and we are thrilled.”

Head of school Vicky Willis added: “We are thrilled with the results the students have achieved. The new specifications have been an added challenge for staff and students but still King Ethelbert’s results have improved again in every measure and we are excited to be awarded a number of grade 9s alongside the many distinction stars in other subjects. A huge thank you must go to the amazing staff team for their relentless hard work in preparing students and building their confidence.”

The record breaking GCSE examination results comes on the back of the superb IBCP sixth form results the Year 13 students achieved in July.  King Ethelbert remains as one of the highest performing non-selective schools in Kent.

Dane Court

Students at Dane Court are celebrating their GCSE results this year, including stunning science grades. The new GCSE examinations were substantially harder than previous exams, but in spite of this Dane Court students gained an even higher proportion of top grades than in previous years.

Some 41% of grades achieved by students were Grades 7, 8 and 9, equivalent to the old A* and A grades. And 10% of all grades achieved at Dane Court were the new Grade 9, the very highest level.

In Biology, Chemistry and Physics,  30% of results were at Grade 9. Students also did particularly well in English, where 94% of students gained strong pass grades, and in the arts.

Louis Peters and Cameron Macrae both gained eight Grade 9s and three other top grades; Kate Bijou and Jasmine Sayer both scored six Grade 9s and five other top grades. Joshua Rudloff, Jack Whitehead, Finlay Jarman Hume, Charles Lycett, Angel Foster, Eleen Newaz, Cath Banks, Tayla Smith, Tom Wells and Quinn Stevens all gained at least 10 top grades. Fauzaan Syed gained a coveted A** grade in Further Mathematics, as well as eight other top grades.

Assistant head teacher Rachel Rolls said: “I am very proud of our students’ achievements. They have worked incredibly hard and have succeeded in the new demanding GCSEs.”

Head teacher Andrew Fowler said: “I am thrilled for our students. They have been supported every step of the way by their teachers and their parents, and their hard work has paid off.

“Many of them have overcome significant personal difficulties to achieve these wonderful results. I am particularly delighted to see the stunning results in subjects as diverse as art, music, English and the sciences. This confirms Dane Court’s reputation, offering the most outstanding academic education in Thanet.”

Hartsdown Academy

Hartsdown has seen a 50% rise in its combined maths and English GCSE passes at Level 4 and above this year compared to 2017.

A rate of 21%, compared to 14% in 2017, has been recorded this year. Individually maths rose from 21.5% level 4 and above passes last year to 31% this year and for English the result was 35% compared to 21% in 2017.

Top achieving students include:

Maxsims Bambans including 7 in English

Tia Burt 8 in RE and 7s in English Language and literature

Connor Johncock and Callum Huggins double 7 in science

Jacopo Pauli 5 including A* languages

Kristian Nodjay including a double 8 in science

Music and performing arts did particularly well with the majority of the group gaining merits with many achieving distinctions.

Head teacher Matthew Tate said “In a time of national uncertainty and rapid change Hartsdown has seen a 50% increase in its results and I am incredibly proud of the work of our students and staff.

“Hartsdown continues to improve with significant building work starting this year.”

St Lawrence College 

 St Lawrence College has achieved an increase in its top GCSE grades for the fourth year in a row, with 36% of all grades the equivalent of A*-A and 65% A*-B.

Local pupils Zofia, Hugo and Hannah amassed 27 of the coveted Grade 8/9s between them, whilst boarding pupils Tobi and Amelia jointly managed an impressive 15 top grades.  Results were notably strong in science, and the school is shortly to formally open its new £6million Science, Art and Design Technology Centre.

St Lawrence College Principal, Antony Spencer, said: “I am delighted with these individual high performers, but also applaud those who had to work hard to get a 4 or 5 in core subjects.  Both groups deserve every praise for all their hard work and success.”

Charles Dickens

The Charles Dickens School celebrates the GCSE results with its students this year who have achieved very well in the face of the changes to both the grading and examination system for new GCSEs examined this year.

Kirstin Cardus, head teacher of CDS, said: “We are delighted for our students as so many have worked incredibly hard to achieve good results, many of whom have the entrance criteria needed to continue with their first choice Post-16 Provision. This is a transitional period for both the School, now a sponsored Academy, but also for the GCSE examination system. We are positive the school will continue to grow from strength to strength.”

“39 students achieved 8 or more passes at GCSE/BTEC and 7 students achieved 2 or more A*/A or equivalent passes whilst 3 students achieved 4 or more A*/A which is an amazing achievement!”

Overall 42% of students achieved 5+A*-C or equivalent grades of which 37% of students achieved 5+ A*-C grades including Maths and English.

Ms Cardus added: “The school is delighted with some notable achievements for individual students with many students achieving their required grades to attend their chosen Post-16 provision, employment or training.

“The school would like to thank staff for their hard work and all parents and governors for their continued support.”