Armed police now cleared from Newington and King Street

Armed police in King Street Photo Michael Leverett

Armed police units are now cleared from Newington and King Street in Ramsgate following an incident this afternoon (August 15).

No arrests have yet been made following the operation carried out by the officers with assistance from a dog unit. Police says those involved are known to each other.

Officers were alerted to a person with a weapon in Newington just before midday.

Photo Kirsty Dixon

Several cars and the dog unit were in Princess Margaret Avenue at the Spar shop end. St Johns Crescent in Newington was blocked off with a witness reporting police shouting an alert of their presence at a nearby property.

Witnesses say a home was entered by police but no-one was brought out of the property.

Armed units were also in King Street, close to the Deal Cutter pub and part of the road was cordoned off between around 2.30pm and 5.30pm. Police say both operations were part of the same investigation.

A Kent Police spokesman said: “Kent Police received a call at 11.53am stating that a person known to them was seen with a weapon and making verbal threats.

“No injuries have been reported.

“Officers are now away from the Ramsgate and Newington areas. At present no arrests have been made and enquiries are ongoing.

“ To re-iterate, the people involved in this incident are known to each other and no weapon has been recovered.”