Dreamland Drop sky tower ride arrives at Margate amusement park

The Dreamland Drop arrives

The  39 metre high Dreamland Drop ride has arrived at the park.

The  ‘shoot and drop’ tower is one of nine rides that will be in place for the Summer holidays. Two family rides have already been installed.

The ride has twelve riders seated all around the column providing a leg-dangling sensation.

The gondola is shot up to the top of the tower, suddenly decelerated before reaching the top causing a series of exciting bounces. The vehicle is then released to a free fall to the ground: the riders think they will plummet to the ground but are saved at the last second, only to be dropped again.

The ride will be custom built for Dreamland and become the tallest on the site, some 5 metres higher than the Big Wheel.

The structure will have Dreamland lettering and be lit with 240 bulbs in each DREAMLAND sign, two strips of 288 bulbs on each side of the Sky Tower, and 308 bulbs in the decorative ‘D’ at the top of the shaft.

New operating company Margate Estates is looking at “significant” investment in the site as part of its masterplan for Dreamland and Arlington, including a new ‘lifestyle’ hotel at ‘Godden’s Gap’ on the seafront.

What you need to know about Dreamland’s 9 new rides, Sunset Sessions and wristband prices