Extended stay for Antony Gormley sculpture at Turner Contemporary

The Gormley sculpture will stay on Fulsam Rock until November 2018 Photo Frank Leppard

The Antony Gormley sculpture will stay on the chalk bed in front of Turner Contemporary until the end of this month after gallery bosses decided to extend its stay.

The exhibition of the ‘man’ model  at Fulsam Rock was due to end this Sunday (November 5) but has proved so popular that it will now stay in place for an extra three weeks.

Photo Paul Trindall

ANOTHER TIME is a series of one hundred sculptures and is identical to the 100 sculptures of ANOTHER PLACE (2007) which is permanently installed on Crosby Beach, Merseyside. The body forms are taken from 17 distinct body casting sessions that were carried out in 1995.

Each of the  individual pieces has been cast five or six times and shows the manner of its making – traces of cling film, mould joint lines, the sections of the plaster positive and the ingates for the molten metal are all clearly visible on the rusting surface.

The Margate sculpture is the first time these particular casts have been exhibited.

The sculpture, made of cast iron and weighing 650kgs, and the rocks, becomes visible about 3 hours before low tide, so to be sure of seeing it, check the daily tide times here.

Photo Lyn Hurley Edwards

Last month it had a near miss when a 75-metre cargo ship full of broken glass ran aground by  Turner Contemporary – just metres away from the sculpture.


  1. I would like to see it stay permanently like in other locations. Come on people of Margate what do you think ?

    • Yes I quite agree, went to see it last week as tide going out and it was very moving. Please let us keep it. Where it is in front of Turner Centre is perfect.

    • I also really wish it could stay forever. I find it very moving and thought provoking and have been to see it many times.

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