One hundred teddy bears with ‘adopt me’ signs are due to be hidden across Ramsgate this week.
Newly created facebook page Teddy Bear Hunt has announced the fun, saying: “If you live in the Ramsgate area be on the lookout for teddy bears placed in various spots. There will be 100 bears looking for a new home. Please adopt these bears, give them a hug and place to feel loved.
“We are all children at heart, so no matter what age you are, adopt a bear this Christmas. Give your bear a name and a warm home.
“The bears will be placed in various places around town and will arrive on November 1, so keep your eyes open kids.
“Each teddy will have an adopt me sign displayed, please take only one each. My goal is to put a smile on 100 Teddy faces.”
Those lucky enough to discover a bear are asked to post a picture to the page with the location they found it.
What a lovely idea. Sadly, I’m not sure we can guarantee that people will honestly only adopt 1bear, if they find more.