A seafront shelter, former toilets and lift off Victoria Parade at Viking Bay are to go to auction.
Thanet council is selling the freehold for the site as part of its asset disposal programme.
The guide price given by auctioneers Clive Emson is £40,000- £50,000 plus fees.
The auction house describes the site as: “An interesting Lot comprising a disused shelter at beach level, an area of open land together with the disused lift shaft and toilets at split level. The site itself is situated against the cliff face and generally central to Viking Bay in Broadstairs.
“It is considered that this Lot may be suitable for a variety of uses/conversions subject to all necessary consents being obtainable.”
Auctioneer Kevin Gilbert said: “This is an unusual lot, that lies centrally in the bay. There might be many directions for its future but all necessary consents must be obtainable.”
Another Thanet council site which will go under the hammer at the same auction is a plot of land off Tivoli Park Avenue and Tivoli Road in Margate
The freehold site is 0.37 hectares (0.91 acres) and is being marketed as offering potential for development, subject to all necessary consents being obtainable.
Interested applicants are advised to make their own enquiries with Thanet District Council.
The guide price is £30,000-£35,000 plus fees.
A third plot being sold by TDC is land at Manston Road, Ramsgate,
The freehold site is 2.2 hectares (5.5 acres) and is adjacent Meridian Close, near to the Tesco store. In 2007 permission was granted for 207 homes on the site.
Since then the land, which was formerly allotments, has been earmarked in the Local Plan for 61 homes. It has a guide price of £900,000- £1million plus fees
The auction will be held on October 30 at The Clive Emson Conference Centre in Maidstone from 11am.
What happens when the council have sold all the family silver .So short sighted of them .Never known a council with no assets . Still the UKIPPERS will all be gone in 2019