Pie Factory Music’s Emerging Artists alumni to play St George’s Church in joint fundraiser

Funds will go to the Pie Factory fundraiser and St George's Project 200

Two Ramsgate charities are coming together for a showstopping fundraising event on Friday 4th October.

Pie Factory Music and St George’s Church are teaming up to present a gala fundraiser in the Grade 1 listed church in Ramsgate town centre in a bid to raise vital donations to save Pie’s youth centre following KCC’s decision to sell the building and to allow for vital repairs to St George’s vestry roof.

The event will feature a host of acts who have graduated from Pie’s Emerging Artists programme since it began running in 2018.


Char.B, Claire Pitt Wigmore, debdepan, Evan Williams, Harmony Bo and JanMakesNoise will each perform their signature styles, from punk to rap to funk and soul, electronica and rock, demonstrating the ever-growing talent of Thanet’s young musicians.

Musician Claire Pitt-Wigmore Photo Scott Robinson

St George’s regeneration officer Jemima Brown said: “St George’s Church is delighted to be hosting artists from Pie Factory Music in our beautiful building. It will be fantastic to have young local talent showcased in the church.

“It’s all part of our five-year Project 200 regeneration scheme, funded by the Diocese of Canterbury, leading up to the 200th anniversary of St George’s Church in 2027. Now, nearly two years into the project, we have been opening the church up to the wider community in Ramsgate, with events and projects outside of Christian worship. We’re so excited for this event.”

Harmony Bo

David Morris, Pie’s Emerging Artists Programme Lead, added: “It’s such an honour to play in this beautiful building and for our aspiring artists to have this opportunity. The timing couldn’t be more important for us as we fight to save our youth centre, which gives young people a safe space to hang out, explore their creativity and be themselves. We can’t wait to see you there.”

Technical production is being provided by Pie alumni James Brown of James Brown AV. There will be a pay bar, with doors opening from 7pm.

Tickets cost £8 / £10 at https://tickets.myiknowchurch.co.uk/gb/NjQxMy0yNQ/t

A notice of intention to sell the building in St Lawrence High Street, which was listed as an asset of community value in 2022, was received from Kent County Council by Thanet council this month.

The disposal is part of KCC’s efforts to balance its budget by delivering £108.8m savings over the next two years.

Pie Factory Music has informed Thanet council of its intention to buy the building which means a full 6 month moratorium has been triggered, allowing the youth charity time to raise funds.

A spokesperson for Kent County Council (KCC) said: “It has been well documented that KCC needs to find an estimated £118m of savings this year to balance the budget and protect statutory services in the future.

“Following the decision not to renew commissioned Youth Services contracts last year, the Ramsgate Youth Centre is no longer required to support the delivery of Youth Services. KCC’s Youth Services are delivered via the council’s Family Hubs across the county.

“As the building is no longer required to support KCC service delivery, the Council will be progressing with the sale of it in line with our normal processes. It is expected that the proceeds from any sale will be reinvested to support the councils operational services. As part of this process, along with others, the Pie Factory will be able to express an interest.”

Find out more at www.piefactorymusic.com/save-our-youth-centre

If you would like to support Pie’s campaign, you can donate here.

Project 200

Photo Brian Whitehead

St George’s church is a Grade 1 Listed building with an lantern tower. The Diocesan Mission Resources Group of the Canterbury Diocese has agreed to provide funding for up to five years to employ one or more project officers to support the regeneration of St George’s church site to enable the church’s mission to flourish in a sustainable way.

Project 200 will involve researching how best our buildings can serve the needs of our town, draw up plans for the regeneration of the buildings and seek funding to make it happen.

For more information about Project 200, please visit our website https://stgeorgechurchramsgate.uk/project-200/

Fundraiser launched to save Pie Factory Music’s base after notice of county council plan to sell building

Plans to expand community use at St George’s Church in Ramsgate as it nears 200th anniversary

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