Lives ‘changed forever’ for Margate family following dad’s extensive leg injuries in collision on College Road

Kira and Jamie, who now needs to recover from his injuries

A Margate family say their whole lives have been changed following a crash which left motorcyclist Jamie Milsom with serious injuries.

Stagecoach bus driver Jamie had gone to pick up son Matt, 13, from school on September 20 but on their way home they were involved in a collision in College Road that left Jamie pinned between a car and his bike, resulting in massive leg injuries.

The 34-year-old said: “I went to pick up my boy, it was a nice sunny day so I went on the motorbike. We came down College Road, the outside was clear so I went out and then filtered back in. A lady in a car was looking up the hill at us as traffic stopped. Then it started moving again and so did I and then I was hit.

“I stood up and instantly realised my leg wasn’t solid anymore. I looked around for my son and he was stood up so I said ‘get on the path, you’re alright.’

“I made sure he wasn’t hurt then ripped my jacket open, got my phone out and called my wife and said ‘I’ve had an accident, Matt is ok but I’m not, you need to get here.’

“After that I dropped the phone and sat down and then the struggle started. The paramedics were there very swiftly, within a few minutes. I was in and out of consciousness all the way to hospital.”

Jamie was flown to Kings College Hospital in London and underwent two resets on his leg and two major operations. Most of his shin was removed due to the damage, metal rods were used to connect his ankle and knee and shin area.

A skin graft was taken from Jamie’s arm for the wounding on his leg where the bone had come through the skin. The graft has left some nerve damage to Jamie’s hand meaning he is currently unable to write.

It is not yet known how long recovery will be and whether or not Jamie will ever be able to walk without a stick but he had progressed enough to return home yesterday (October 7).

He said: “There was quite a long list of things they had to fix. They said recovery time is different for everyone.

“I can just about use crutches which saves my dignity of not having to be carried to the loo. They say it could be six months or the rest of my life that I’ll need a stick. It has changed everything.”

St Anthony’s pupil Matt, who is autistic, was not physically hurt but has been left with a fear of crossing the road.

Jamie said: “The poor little guy is terrified but he’s been a strong boy for his mum.”

Matt and dad Jamie

It is not yet known if Jamie will be able to return to work and he says because he has been an employee for less than two years he does not qualify for sick pay.

Kira, who has been married to Jamie for 10 years, says initially it was thought Jamie would lose his leg because the damage was so extensive.

Thankfully the surgery using titanium rods was a success although Jamie will now have to learn to walk again.

She added: “I never thought this would happen to us in a million years and this has changed our whole lives from a family who like to play golf and go on rides to not knowing what our future holds. It is absolutely terrifying.”

Despite the uncertainty Kira says the family are just trying to get through things the best they can.

She added: “We are waiting for PIP and have put ourselves on the housing list as we are in private rented with lots of stairs and I am worried that will do more damage to his leg.

“We’ve had our whole life ripped up but we have got each other.”

Raising funds

Stagecoach and Unite colleagues have organised a fundraising event to help the family. It takes place on Friday 8th November, 8pm – 10pm at The Racing Greyhound in Ramsgate.

A Roulette table will be set up in the function room and there will be a buffet, background music and raffle.

Tickets are £10 per person, over 18s only. For details email Kira at [email protected]

There is also a fundraising page to help the family to navigate the current difficulties while Jamie is on the road to recovery.

Find the fundraiser by clicking here

Kent Police continue to investigate the circumstances of the collision.