Councillors to discuss plan for 118 homes on Ramsgate’s Flambeau Europlast site

Flambeau Europlast in Manston Road

Plans to build 118 homes at the Flambeau Europlast site in Ramsgate will be discussed by councillors next week.

The aim is to relocate the moulded thermoplastic products factory from Manston Road to one of the isle’s business parks, enabling the current building to be demolished to make way for homes.

The proposal follows the grant of outline planning permission in 2017 for a similar residential redevelopment which has since expired.

The 3.5 hectare site is earmarked for 76 houses and 42 flats with a total of 222 parking spaces.

The site currently houses the Flambeau Europlast office and warehouse building, operational yard and storage areas but is allocated in the Thanet Local Plan for 120 properties.

Two letters of objection have been submitted raising concerning about the number of houses and lack of affordable housing in the plans.

Ramsgate Town Council recommends securing a developer’s agreement to improve the Warre Rec and raises concerns about the amount of increased traffic movement onto Manston Road and the effect on surrounding roads.

Image Hume Planning Consultancy Ltd

Planning documents say a key consideration for Flambeau remains the need to relocate the business to a Thanet Business Park, adding: “The applicant has discussed this relocation with the Economic Development Team of Thanet District Council for some time. It will be understood however that a relocation of this type is a significant and complex matter that involves decision making over a period of years.

“Unfortunately, recent events, such as COVID, have only served to prolong this process. The decision of the applicant to submit this new application however reflects Flambeau’s continued commitment to seeking a way forward that will enable the business to adapt and grow to the benefit of the economic welfare of the community.

“There are practical reasons why operationally the existing business premises does not function effectively for the applicant:  The condition of the building – the roof structure is a complex construction which is in need of constant and costly ongoing repair. The age and condition of the building is poor and does not promote serious long-term investment.

“The building is costly to heat and insulate. The configuration of the site and building does not suit plastic manufacturing and the industrial process because of the frequent “double handling” of goods and difficulties with loading and unloading.

“To compete with other plastic manufacturers, it is important that Flambeau updates and modernises so that the production is made more efficient to help reduce operational costs and ensure that staff time is utilised more effectively.

“For a combination of these reasons, the existing building is hampering an efficient production process and has deterred investment by the applicant in new machinery. This application will allow these barriers to increased productivity and investment to be lifted.

Image Hume Planning Consultancy Ltd

“Residential redevelopment of the site will increase the existing use value of the site, generating funds to assist with the relocation and long-term investment of the company in Thanet and the purchase of up-to-date machinery to enhance the competitive position of the business in the long term. The applicant, Flambeau, is one of the biggest employers in the district and it is therefore important to the Thanet economy.”

Planning documents say there is a “ very strong likelihood that the development will not be capable of delivering affordable housing.”

However, if permission is granted Flambeau will be required to contribute £150,611 towards off-site affordable housing as well as £113,220 towards refurbishment, reconfiguration and/or extension of existing GP practices.. It is estimated the homes will mean 315 new patient registrations at GPs including Newington Road Surgery, Dashwood House Surgery, Summerhill Surgery and The Grange Practice.

Other contributions will be required towards schools, children’s services, libraries and social services.

Image Hume Planning Consultancy Ltd

The application has been called into the planning committee by Cllr Mike Garner due to the lack of affordable housing and open space proposed.

A report to councillors says: “The applicant proposes to provide all of the contributions requested by KCC and the NHS Primary Care Team. The applicant has indicated that they are not able to provide affordable housing as this would result in the application not being viable.

“A viability assessment has been submitted with the application, which has been independently reviewed by the council’s appointed consultants. This report concludes that a surplus of £230,611 would remain after all other contributions that can be allocated to affordable housing and open spaces.

“This review has taken into account a profit level of 17.5%. On this basis a reduced open space and affordable housing contribution is considered to be justified.”

The application will be discussed at a planning committee meeting on October 16.

Councillors are being recommended defer and delegate to officers for approval subject to the section 106 agreement for contributions being secured.

Flambeau began business in the US in 1947 and has become a company of over 2,500 associates and a manufacturer of complex parts, sub-assemblies, and finished consumer products for over 40 unique industries.

In 1999 Flambeau expanded into Europe with purchase of UK Blow Moulder, Blowspeed in Ramsgate,, quickly following with the acquisition of L & P Plastics of Margate in 2000, integrating it into Flambeau Europlast of Ramsgate. Data shows the Ramsgate site currently has around 60 staff.