Emergency services attended a six vehicle collision in Ramsgate yesterday (August 11) with, police say, no serious injuries reported.
Kent Police, fire service and ambulance service attended the crash in Boundary Road at the junction of Denmark Road at 11.16am.
One person was still inside a vehicle when emergency Crews arrived and were freed by Kent Fore and Rescue Service.
A Kent Fire and Rescue Service spokesperson said: “Kent Fire and Rescue Service was called to reports of a crash involving six vehicles on Denmark Road in Ramsgate.
“On arrival only one person was still in a vehicle and crews assisted this person out, whilst also making the scene safe before the duty of care was passed to SECAmb paramedics.”
A Kent Police spokesperson said: “Kent Police was called at 11.16am on Sunday 11 August to a report of a collision involving six vehicles.
“Officers attended the scene with other emergency services at the junction of Denmark Road and Boundary Road in Ramsgate. No serious injuries were reported.
“Patrols assisted with managing the traffic while vehicles were recovered, and the road was clear by around 2.30pm.”
It rather begs the question: how on Earth can six vehicles collide in a residential street with such violence that a person was trapped?
My thoughts exactly. What is going on in Thanet at the moment with crashes taking place all over the place……..
Boundary road gets considerably reduced by those parking on the lines/pavement, not usually a problem on week days but in the night and weekends makes it just that bit harder but as above how on earth did six vehicles manage to get involved in what is a 30 mph area. I’d be no be amazed if at least one was on their phone paying no attention to the road.
Called IDIOTS-Lkie yesterday while was waiting for a gap in in the traffic at a roundabout-some Idiot honked me. Someome not patient to wait.
Relief: could’ve been a lot worse.
what amazes me is that cars are parked the whole length of boundary road , on yellow lines on the pavement , and into the oncoming traffic , and there is never a traffic warden in sight ? they could have a field day on that one road
I’ve asked , the councils reasoning is that , many of the vehicles on double yellows have disability badges ( plus the wardens only work certain hours) and the singles are only enforceable as per the notice, plus thanet has no restrictions on pavement parking. It seems that as long as the road is fairly clear peak midweek hours the situation is seen as acceptable.
I haven’t seen a traffic warden anywhere in Thanet for months and months! People don’t care and park on double yellows all over the place!
There were only 3 until someone noticed that the advertising vacancies had been removed. We now have 5 (should be 11) Contact your local Councillor>?
If parking is as described. I would guess that 5 parked vehicles were hit by one other.
I live just off Boundary Road, and yes, people parking half on and half off the pavement illegally (sometimes fully on the pavements too!) which have double yellow lines, are not just a menace, they are highly dangerous! It makes seeing past these illegally parked cars, very hazardous, especially near the Pop In convenience store which is on a bend. I had a problem getting TDC Parking to stop some idiot selling cars from the pavement, opposite No 50 would you believe! This caused a severe hazard to 100’s of children going to school, young mums with push chairs, shoppers on their way to ASDA, and people like me on a mobility scooter! You would not believe the amount of emails, and time put in to stop this idiot!