Broadstairs residents urged to attend drop-in meeting aimed at tackling traffic issues

Tackling traffic issues

Broadstairs & St. Peter’s Town Council is organising a multi-agency action meeting to discuss traffic issues which residents have been raising concerns about.

The meeting aims to put a spotlight on dangerous areas that need changes.

Chair of the Environmental Committee, Cllr Joanne Bright said: “According to Kent County Council data Thanet has the highest number of child pedestrian casualties in Kent and the second highest number of cyclist casualties.

“The Traffic Information Drop-in meeting is a chance for Broadstairs residents to raise concerns about road safety in our town and to flag up traffic hotspots. The Town Council is committed to working towards a safer Broadstairs and this includes safety on our roads.”

Councillor Mike Garner

Chair of the Council Cllr Mike Garner added : “Whilst the Town Council has finite resources and limited powers in terms of traffic management, we recognise the vital role we can play in bringing together the various partners and agencies with responsibility for our roads and ensuring our residents’ concerns are heard.”

Residents are urged to attend the drop in sessions between 11am-1pm and 2pm-6pm in the Council Chamber, Pierremont Hall, CT10 1JX on Tuesday 27th August.

Town and county councillors, town council officers, Kent Police and other traffic related organisations will attend.

For more information or any questions, you may have, please contact [email protected] or call Abigail on 01843 868718.


    • Done. This tiny island has too many cars. I love passing traffic jams on my bicycle. A bit of a pain though I have to admit when I need to carry something heavy.

  1. This is just a way for the council to push paperwork around, nothing will come from this ,the council have to do this to prove to the government that they have gone by the book.

  2. Edge End road and the surrounds at school run time are a constant hazard. Make Fair Street one way and most certainly stop parents creating a very tight bottle neck when they park on the path at the junction with Fairfield Road. Parking outside all the schools at drop and pick up times in general.
    Couple these with a concerted effort to get all the illegal vehicles and drivers off the road.
    Not Broadstairs, but do something about the people using the chemist at top of wilderness hill and parking however they please, improve the visibility splay turning right out of Dalby Square onto Ethelbert Crescent.
    Enforced double yellows on the corners of the crossroads around cliftonville, visibility coming out of some of them is nigh on zero with cars parked right on the corners.

  3. The only way to reduce congestion is to have a congestion charge. Maybe the charge could be higher for Range Rovers and other large cars.

  4. Reinstate the bus services that have been lost since Covid. Establish bus priority lanes so that the buses can run reliably.

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