Culture Recovery Fund grant awarded to The Margate School

Uwe Derksen (speaking) of The Margate School Photo Maria Gilbert

The Margate School has been awarded £53,000 from the third round of the Government’s Culture Recovery Fund.

The award will help The Margate School to continue its work in the  High Street supporting the local creative community as well as bringing in international artists.

More than £100 million has been awarded to hundreds of cultural organisations across the country in the latest round of support from the Culture Recovery Fund.

The award will be used specifically to consolidate and expand studio provision and technical facilities as well as exhibition offerings.

Uwe Derksen, Director of The Margate School, said: “This award is a recognition of our resilience, demonstrated by our staff and community during a very difficult and challenging period over the last 15 months.

“We very much hope that we can rebuild our confidence and pursue in building an innovative and creative community in and for Margate. We are grateful for the support and trust vested in The Margate School.”

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries said:“Culture is for everyone and should therefore be accessible to everyone, no matter who they are and where they’re from.

“Through unprecedented government financial support, the Culture Recovery Fund is supporting arts and cultural organisations so they can continue to bring culture to communities the length and breadth of the country, supporting jobs, boosting local economies and inspiring people.”

More than £1.2 billion has been awarded from the Culture Recovery Fund, supporting around 5000 individual organisations and sites across the country.


  1. this is great news. Please remember those people who cannot afford much extra at the moment. Summer Kitchen taught me how much people want accessible culture, pop up events, fun, buskers, juggling, magic… the whole covent garden vibe.

    • Some people would like to be able to eat-obviously not as important in a dirt poor area to fund food banks, as it is to keep throwing money at doodle sketches that look like a 3 year old went crazy with some crayons, jugglers, magic tricks & BLM lectures on hair.

  2. Yet more money being thrown at the arts in Margate! Isn’t it about time someone woke up and realised that this is doing absolutely zero to revive the area? Even the much-hyped Old Town and Old Kent Market are in far worse shape than they were a few years back.

    • Now there are number 2 artists as well-the only artistic difference between the guy on the number 8 bus & Emin’s bed is a name. Maybe if he put a woke flag on it & declared him/herself an artist for the BLM/LGBTQIAMUZ etc movements they would be feted rather than being hunted.

  3. This is great recognition and support for a successful organisation building back post-covid. Ignore the preceding four predictably ill-informed comments…

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