Hartsdown Year 8s to miss end of term due to isolation after confirmed covid case

Hartsdown Academy Photo John Horton

Students in Year 8 at Hartsdown Academy in Margate will not return to school for the rest of the term due to a confirmed covid case.

A letter has been sent to carers and parents to say the youngsters need to isolate until July 22, the day after the end of the school year.

An email to parents says: “Following Public Health advice, we regret to inform you that year 8 are to remain at home for the rest of the school term.”

Government data shows covid-related pupil absence in state schools is currently at its highest rate since schools reopened in March 2021.

In primary schools, covid-related absence was 2.7% on 17 June, up from 1.1% on 10 June.

In secondary schools, covid-related absence adjusted for Y11-13 not expected to attend, was 4.2% on 17 June. This is up from 1.4% on 10 June.

Among pupils absent for covid-19 reasons, the main reason for absence is self-isolation due to contact with a potential case of coronavirus inside the school. On 17 June, 2.3% of pupils were absent for this reason, up from 0.5% on 10 June.


  1. “Education for an amazing life” blighted by Covid and Brexit and our Government who is prepared to continue to let people get very ill indeed or worse!

    • I’m not sure how Brexit is screwing up education.
      But coronavirus, and this government’s extraordinary response to the pandemic, is screwing things up for all of us.

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